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My Path to Urology

It was the first week of medical school and it seemed like everyone but me already knew what kind of doctor they wanted to be. I really hadn’t thought that far. I was just happy to be there – to have gotten into medical school. A classmate told me he wanted to be a UROLOGIST. I had no idea what that was. When I googled it, I immediately thought “I have no business in urology”, “this is for men by men”. I didn’t know any black women who were surgeons, let alone urologists. I really didn’t know any black surgeons in real life at all. My career path would forever be changed the following year. I was a 2nd year medical student preparing to pack up my things and ditch the Urology lecture scheduled. As I grabbed my bag with the intention to exit, in walks the speaker- a BLACK WOMAN. THIS was the urologist. I sat back down and listened to her in amazement and inspiration. It was at that moment, that I saw myself in her and thought I could be a urologist too.

I love what I do


If not for that encounter, I would not have become what God designed me to be. And I love what I do. This is why I started my platform. To share my passion as a urologist with the world and inspire those who don’t feel there’s a place for them. I love that I have opportunity to help patients with deeply personal medical issues, change the quality of my patients’ lives drastically, and connect with people in a compassionate way.

Urology tips, product information, and education